The deadline for the 2024 SBRN Award nominations is June 1st, 2025. 

Only active SBRN members can nominate/be nominated. Unsuccessful nominees will remain in the award candidate pool for three years (year of nomination plus next two) provided they remain active members of SBRN.

SBRN membership is open to any researcher or health professional with an interest in sedentary behaviour, it needs to be renewed annually to maintain an active status. Please renew your membership annually and invite your colleagues to join SBRN by completing the form here.

Sedentary Behaviour Research Network (SBRN) Awards were established in 2019 (first recipients in 2020) and will be announced and profiled annually through the SBRN newsletter to the membership. Award winners will be recognized on the SBRN website and presented with an award and a certificate. Descriptions of the three SBRN awards are provided below.

Award Nomination Form

Nominations for all SBRN Awards must be submitted using this form below. A separate submission is required for each award nomination. Self-nominations will not be considered; however, nominees are encouraged to assist in ensuring the accuracy of details in the form. All fields are required.

If you have any questions, please contact

SBRN Practice Leadership Award (description)
SBRN Research Leadership Award (description)
SBRN Student/Trainee Award (description)



Please provide the highlights of the nominee’s contributions to the field of sedentary behavior upon which the nomination is based. Upload supporting documentation as necessary.

Please provide a short bio of the nominee.