Praesent consequat. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum massa dui sed nulla ut nulla a mi. Fusce wisi nibh […]
Dr Meredith Peddie of the University of Otago (New Zealand) is currently looking for a PhD/MSc student to investigate the energy expenditure and possible dietary compensation […]
SBRN members Genevieve Healy and Mark Tremblay were featured on an episode of the science radio show Quirks and Quarks, discussing the health impact of sitting. […]
A new review in the journal Mental Health and Physical Activity looks at the potential impact of sedentary behaviour on mental health: It is generally understood […]
From Stone Hearth Newsletters: The study, published in today’s online edition of Mayo Clinic Proceedings, examined the association between fitness levels, daily exercise, and sedentary behavior, based […]