A paper titled “The Impact of “Home Office” Work on Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review” has recently been published […]
A paper titled “How much time in sedentary behavior is associated with probable sarcopenia in older adults?” has recently been published in the Geriatric Nursing. The […]
A paper titled “Association between childcare movement behaviour compositions with health and development among preschoolers: Finding the optimal combinations of physical activities and sedentary time“ has […]
A paper titled “Recent Secular Trends in Child and Adolescent Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Internationally: Analyses of Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance Global Matrices 1.0 […]
Thank you to Dr. Vincenza Gianfredi for sharing their paper titled “Daily patterns of physical activity, sedentary behavior, and prevalent and incident depression—The Maastricht Study” recently […]
A paper titled “Correlates of domain-specific sedentary behaviors and objectively assessed sedentary time among elementary school children“ has recently been published online in Scientific Reports. The summary […]
A paper titled “Predicting future sedentary behaviour using wearable and mobile devices“ has recently been published in Information Processing & Management. The summary of the paper and […]
A paper titled “Effectiveness of school-based interventions targeting physical activity and sedentary time among children: a systematic review and meta-analysis of accelerometer-assessed controlled trials“ has recently […]
A paper titled “Historical development of accelerometry measures and methods for physical activity and sedentary behavior research worldwide: A scoping review of observational studies of adults“ […]