Via the Stanford Medical School’s Scope Blog: Previous research has shown that the majority of a student’s school day, 70 percent, is completely sedentary and that sitting for long […]
A new study published online ahead of print in the American Journal of Physiology suggests that prolonged sedentary behaviour may reduce the benefits of acute exercise. […]
Researchers at the Healthy Active Living and Obesity Research Group in the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute have published the world’s first systematic review […]
Desy Salvadego and colleagues have published a new paper ahead of print in the Journal of Applied Physiology suggesting that prolonged sedentary behaviour may impair oxidative […]
Via The kids are back in school. All that frantic running around to keep them engaged during the hot, steamy summer is over. Now, with […]
A new article on sedentary behaviour was published yesterday on the French Canadian health website PasseportSanté.net: Les chercheurs ont trouvé que le temps que les Australiens […]
From the Denver Post: News about the perils of prolonged sitting originally inspired Sue Hewitt, 52, to ditch her seat for her feet. Now, six others […]